
Using the example of the Stader-Kelp strategy, let us see how the calculation looks like:

  • N: total number of users in a batch

  • F: total fee in terms of ETH

F=(baseGasLimit+NmarginalGasPerUser)gasPriceF = (\text{baseGasLimit} + N*\text{marginalGasPerUser})*\text{gasPrice}
  • E: total ETH staked into Stader

E=(ETHuser 1+ETHuser 2+ETHuser 3+....)FE = (\text{ETH}_{\text{user 1}} + \text{ETH}_{\text{user 2}} + \text{ETH}_{\text{user 3}} + .... )- F
  • R: total rsETH received for a batch from Kelp

  • rsETH distribution per user:

rsETHuser x=(ETHuser xFN)ER\text{rsETH}_{\text{user x}} = \frac{(\text{ETH}_{\text{user x}} - \frac{F}{N})}{E} * R

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